

If I was suduced by a man, I would not let any grass grow under his feet if he'd offered to do the decent things. 如果我被男人勾引了,而他愿意负责,我可不会让他磨磨蹭蹭的。

I wasn't sudeced, Granny.

A young woman of a good family who finds herself in the bed of a man who is not her husband has invariably been sudeced. 一个好人家的年轻姑娘跟一个不是她丈夫的男人上了床,绝对是被勾引了。

She couldn't have gone to bed with him of her own free will?

Not if she is the daughter of an Earl.

  • not let the grass grow under your feet to not waste time or dalay starting something 不浪费时间,做事不拖沓

  • invariably: if something invariably happens or is invariably true, it almost always happens or is true, so that you expect it 始终不变地,永远如此的,恒定的: It invariably rains when I go there. 我去那儿时总是下雨。| The security guards were invariably ex-servicemen. 保安人员毫无例外地都是退伍军人。

